Los Angeles and the Election of 1864 Civil WarKeith HarrisJuly 1, 2013election of 1864, Lincoln, Los Angeles, McClellanComment
So Much Can Change in a Year Civil WarKeith HarrisJune 27, 2013California Gubernatorial election 1861, Confederate invasion of the west, election of 1860, John Conness, John McConnell, Leland Stanford Comment
John W. Robinson Sees Gray Civil WarKeith HarrisJune 25, 2013Confederate sympathizers, John W- Robinson, Los Angeles Comments
Citrus is a Good Place to Start Migration, VeteransKeith HarrisJune 21, 2013CIvil War veterans, GAR, Hollywood Forever, MOLLUS Comments
A Difference Consumption Made MigrationKeith HarrisJune 19, 2013Civil War generation, consumption, health seekers, identity, migration, nationalism, pulmonary tuberculosisComment
Who is Harrison Gray Otis? VeteransKeith HarrisJune 12, 2013Civil War, Harrison Gray Otis, LA Boosters, Los Angeles Times, open shop, Socialism, Spanish American War Comments
The Least Heroic Migration in History MigrationKeith HarrisJune 5, 2013Charles Fletcher Lummis, migration, Panic of 1873, Sante Fe LineComment
Southern California and the Confederacy Civil WarKeith HarrisJune 2, 2013Abraham Lincoln, Civil War, Confederate States of America, election of 1860, John C- Breckinridge, secession cirisis, Southern California statehood Comments
An Island on the Land LiteratureKeith HarrisMay 29, 2013Carey McWilliams, Helen Hunt Jackson, Ramona, Southern California history Comments