The Fine Arts Studio - Hollywood FilmKeith HarrisSeptember 6, 2015D- W- Griffith, Hollywood, Movies, Silent films, The Birth of a Nation, Vintage film Comments
1985 Office Hours, FavoriteKeith HarrisAugust 26, 20151985, Bruce Catton, high school, rockabilly, Santa Barbara Comments
Triggers EducationKeith HarrisAugust 15, 2015education, microaggression, racism, Sexism, The Atlantic, triggers, violence Comments
A Good Way to Use Colonel Ty Seidule's Video AcademiaKeith HarrisAugust 12, 2015Causes of the Civil War, Civil War, Confederate Apologist, history, slavery, West Point Comments
The Americanist Independent - Volume Two, Issue One Americanist IndependentKeith HarrisAugust 3, 2015American Sniper, Confederate battle flag, Delta blues, Historical fiction, hsitorical film, journal, Reconstruction, US HistoryComment
Confederates in My Neighborhood Public HistoryKeith HarrisJuly 26, 2015Confederate flag, confederate monuments, Hollywood Forever Cemetery, SCV, UCV Comments
It's Just Like You Are There GettysburgKeith HarrisJuly 21, 2015Battle, Civil War, conferences, Gettysburg, Gettysburg Sacred trust, GNMP, memory, NPS, veteransComment
Confederate Flag Apologists Continue to Miss the Point Flag ControversyKeith HarrisJuly 12, 2015Confederate battle flag, Flag controversy, Gettysburg, protest, South Carolina Comments
Should a Battlefield Visit be a More Solemn Occasion? GettysburgKeith HarrisJuly 10, 2015battlefield, bloody angle, commemoration, Gettysburg, Soldiers, tourism, veterans Comments
Hands Off! CultureKeith HarrisJuly 7, 2015Army of Northern Virginia, confederate, Flag controversy, Gettysburg, Robert E- Lee, Seminary Ridge, Virginia memorialComment
Gettysburg Sacred Trust Weekend: Summary Recap Public HistoryKeith HarrisJuly 6, 2015confederate, Flag controversy, Gettysburg, Gettysburg Sacred trust, UnionComment
#LoveWins Things that make senseKeith HarrisJune 26, 2015Anthony Kennedy, civil rights, marraige equality, SCOTUSComment
Enough RacismKeith HarrisJune 21, 2015Charleston, civil rights, history, Jim Crow, progressives, racism, racist, segregation, slavery, violenceComment
For My Adjunct Friends - Just a Suggestion... Academia, EducationKeith HarrisJune 1, 2015Adjunct, Cameron Conaway, professors, teaching, university Comment
I'd love to be a Civil War buff...what do you have to do to be a buff? popular cultureKeith HarrisMay 25, 2015buffs, Civil War buffs, Gettysburg, Jerr Seinfeld, Keith Hernandez, popular culture, SeinfeldComment
Gettysburg Sacred Trust GettysburgKeith HarrisMay 20, 2015book signing, Civil War History, conferences, Gettysburg, Gettysburg Sacred trustComment
3-D Richmond Slave Trade TechnologyKeith HarrisMay 11, 2015antebellum, digital scholarship, Richmond, slave trade, slavery, technology, University of Richmond, Virginia Comment
The Americanist Independent: Volume One in Review Americanist IndependentKeith HarrisMay 4, 2015class, film review, gender, historiography, Independent historians, journal, literature, military, Race, scholarship, The Americanist Independent, web publishingComment
Wanted: Movie Reviewers FilmKeith HarrisApril 25, 2015feature films, Film, historical, journal, reviews, televisionComment