A Keith Harris History PSA - Watch Out for Pedestrians!
Greetings all!
Those of you who are connected with me on my personal Facebook page already know that a couple of days ago my wife, Coni and I were hit by a car while in a crosswalk in Hollywood. Coni broke her arm in two places and I sprained my wrist. We were both pretty banged up but otherwise, thankfully, came out of the whole incident relatively okay. Suffice it to say, things could have been a lot worse. And let me say for the record, Coni is a hardcore badass. She got hit way worse than me and laughed through (most of) the ordeal. I would like to express my gratitude to my neighbors for looking after us while the paramedics were on the way, LAFD station 27, the RNs, attending, and orthopedist at Cedars Sinai, the LAPD investigating officer, and the Uber lady who drove us home. You rule.
And let me take a moment to remind you all to please pay attention when behind the wheel. Don't text, don't fiddle around, and for the love of Jiminy Cricket, be mindful of pedestrians. Take it easy driving out there folks - the lives you save could be ours :)
With compliments,