I spent part of my weekend re-reading chapters from Stephen Cushman's Bloody Promenade: Reflections on a Civil War Battle. This volume is among my favorite Civil War titles. It is not a narrative of a battle; in some ways it is not a history at all.
These are a poet's reflections on a momentous few days in early May, 1864. In Virginia. In the Wilderness.
I have read this book many times. Once or twice from cover to cover. More often I read the chapters out of order. Not because I find the author's arrangement flawed - but because they speak to me in a particular manner on a particular day. There are few selections in my library that I find myself returning to over and over...
and over again. So,
a review? No, I do not think I will, thanks for asking. But I will provide an enthusiastic endorsement.
With compliments,