Truth, Politics, and the Press in Revolutionary America Book ReviewsKeith HarrisDecember 11, 2022Press, journalism, newspapers, historical newspapers, factions, revolution, france, United States HistoryComment
Let's Talk about George Washington Book ReviewsKeith HarrisDecember 1, 2022George Washington, Exceptionalism, memory, Memory Studies, history, harristorian Comments
Discussing Historical Violence in the Classroom Book ReviewsKeith HarrisNovember 28, 2022slavery, abolition, book reviews, #harristorianComment
When Hell Came to Sharpsburg Book ReviewsKeith HarrisAugust 29, 2022Sharpsburg, Antietam, Environmental History, Savas Beatie, Civil War, Maryland Campaign, Military Campaigns of the Civil War Comments
Beyond the Beast - A New Book on Benjamin Franklin Butler Book ReviewsKeith HarrisAugust 5, 2022the Beast Butler, Benjamin F. Butler, Civil War, Union Army, Republican Party, radical politics, Massachusetts, Army of the James, New Orleans, General Order #28, Woman Order, Sufferage, Contraband, Freedmen Comments
The Heart of Hell - Soldiers and Spotsylvania Book ReviewsKeith HarrisJuly 29, 2022Spotsylvania, Mule Shoe Salient, Jeffry D. Wert, Battlefield, veternas, civil war, Union Army, Confederate Army, soldiers Comments
Grant vs. Lee - New from the Emerging Civil War Series Book ReviewsKeith HarrisJuly 24, 2022Emerging Civil War, Civil War, Overland Campaign, Petersburg, Appomattox, Robert E. Lee, U.S. Grant, Ulysses S. Grant, Civil War library, Savas Beatie Comments
HUZZAH! for the XII Corps - An Excellent Campaign History Book ReviewsKeith HarrisJuly 16, 2022Antietam, Cedar Mountain, Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia, Shenandoah Valley, 1862, XII Corps, Army of the Potomac, Civil War, Ezra Carmen, Savas Beatie Comments
Engaging a Pro-Slavery Position in the Classroom Book Reviews, Ask Dr- Harris, EducationKeith HarrisJune 22, 2022antebellum, JQA, John Quincy Adams, John C. Calhoun, Congress, SlaveryComment
Writing to Lincoln Book ReviewsKeith HarrisJune 8, 2022Lincoln, Slavery, Letters, Edited collection, Civil War, AgencyComment
Death and the Case for Bureaucracy Book ReviewsKeith HarrisJune 7, 2022Stephen Berry, Death, Government, bureaucracy, Dead, Counting the dead, UNC PressComment
Taking on the Maryland Campaign with a New Book by Alexander Rossino Book ReviewsKeith HarrisJanuary 31, 2022Alexander ROssino, Savas Beatie, book reviews, Maryland Campaign, George McClellan, Robert E. Lee, discourse, historians Comments
Some Thoughts on Mala's Cat by Holocaust Survivor Mala Kacenberg Book ReviewsKeith HarrisJanuary 27, 2022Mala's Cat, Holocaust, Holocaust education, Poland, Book reviews Comments
The Last Lincoln Republican - a Review Book ReviewsKeith HarrisDecember 30, 20211880, James Garfield, Republican Party, GOP, POTUS, President, Democratic Party, election, Lincoln, University Press of Kansas, Benjamin ArringtonComment
Ends of War - A Review of Caroline Janney's Latest Book ReviewsKeith HarrisDecember 27, 2021Books reviews, blog, Caroline Janney, UNC Press, Civil war, Robert E. Lee, ANV, Army of Northern Virginia, Appomattox, Virginia, surrender, COnfederate, Confederate army, Ends of war, reviewsComment
Prophets and Ghosts by Samuel J. Redman Book ReviewsKeith HarrisDecember 7, 2021book reviews, Native Americans, Prophets and Ghosts, Harvard University press, Anthropology, culture, progressive, Samuel J. RedmanComment
Lincoln Comes to Gettysburg - A Brief Review Book ReviewsKeith HarrisOctober 5, 2021Gettysburg Address, Lincoln, Gettsyburg, Savas BeatieComment
"My Experiences in the War of 1860 Briefly Told" - A Review of Rebel Correspondent Book ReviewsKeith HarrisSeptember 21, 20214th Georgia Cavalry, Avery's 4th Georgia, Confederate, veteran, war stories, Rebel, Veteran, Soldier, historical memory, Civil WarComment
Day by Day with Robert E. Lee - A Review of From Arlington to Appomattox Book ReviewsKeith HarrisJuly 22, 2021Robert E. Lee, Savas Beatie, book reviews, politics, monuments, Confederate Comment
Two New Books on Civil War Naval Operations! Book ReviewsKeith HarrisJune 21, 2021Savas Beatie, Civil War, Navy, CS Navy, US Navy, New Orleans, 1862, Hampton Roads, Monitor v. Virginia, CSS Virginia, USS MonitorComment