April 13, 1865

Fort Delaware April 13th 1865


Dear Sallie

I have just received your kind letter dated 11th acknowledging the receipt of my three letters of Mch 31st & April 2nd & 6th this leaves me enjoying good health and doing well at present. I am sorry to hear of dear little Ida’s fall I hope that she will soon recover from the effects of the fall. You did not state whether you received the permit with the letter. I wish you had sent the box as today we have received another order revoking the last and will now have to get permits again. I fear the box will be stopped. The shirts I can make out very well with but if the drawers are the same size  of the pair I brought with me when last home they are entirely too small so if this letter reaches you before the box starts let a piece on as to make them about three inches larger in the waist. I wrote to you a few days ago Monday I think telling you that the order had been revoked relative to getting permits to receive boxes and we could now receive boxes of clothing eatables and also money without getting a permit here but as I stated above all packages mow sent must with a permit gotten at his place. We have indeed met with sad reverses (?) within the last three weeks but I am not as yet hopeless and still trust something good may turn up but I am afraid you will not see me for a long time yet. Did Grant & Tyson desert or were they taken prisoner and paroled. Let me know I am indeed sorry to know that Robinson & the boys are prisoners it is getting dark and I must now close give my love to all home also to Shells family and to Ada and the Owens family also to Mary G and to all enquiring friends Kiss Ida & Lucy for me and accept the best love of your affectionate Husband

Henry A Allen

Cap 9th Va Infty

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