December 25, 1864

Hilton Head Dec 25th 1864

(send me a few stamps)

Dear Dear Sarah

Again to I take my pen to write you a few lines it seems that I am doomed never to receive another letter from you none has come to hand since the one received while on Morris Island written by you Spt 28th and handed me Oct 15th I cannot imagine why it is. Col Councill gets letters from his Mother regularly but not one comes to me. I received your message sent by her stating that you had gotten all my letters and had answered them it is indeed hard not to be able to hear from your loved ones at home. Last night I received a letter from John at Fort Warren in Boston Harbor. I was much surpprised not knowing he was a prisoner he received a letter from you on the 17th this month informing him of my whereabouts he was well. I also received one from your Pa on the 10th he also was in good health. Gus Williams wrote a few lines on the back of a letter to me he is in Charleston in the Exchange Bureau. I am quite well at this time we have had some very cold weather here we feel it much more seriously here than we would in a much colder climate and have suffered much as we have but few articles of bed clothing we are not allowed to receive money clothing or boxes of any kind and see quite a hard time generally. How are my dear little ones kiss them for me my love to all at home and to all other relatives and friends I wrote to John this morning. I know you will think of the absent me while eating the Christmas dinner I have nothing but dry bread for mine. Good by and God bless you my darling from your affectionate husband Henry A Allen write soon

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