What's the Role of the Historian in 2019? with Robert Greene II


Robert Greene II is an Assistant Professor of History at Claflin University. He is also a blogger and book reviews editor for the Society of U.S. Intellectual Historians, and maintains his own personal blog titled “Forty Acres and a Starship.” Dr. Greene has also written for Oxford American, Scalawag, The Nation, Jacobin, Dissent, In These Times, and other publications.

Reading though his blog the there day…he got me thinking about the role of the history in 2019, so of course I had to have him on the show to hash it out…we discussed:

  • The inspiration behind 40 Acres and a Starship

  • Anti-intellectualism vs. the inspiration for change

  • A response to accusations…that historians do not engage the public

  • W.E.B. Du Bois

  • The intersection of academia and activism

  • Pundits and partisan politics

  • How we all have our personal answers to the question…what, exactly, is the role of the historian in 2019?

Have a listen…

Our discussion of W.E.B. Du Bois naturally turned to his masterpiece, Black Reconstruction in America. So if you haven’t read it, you should. Read it twice. It’s a lot to take in, but well worth the effort. We also discussed Du Bois’s later career - and as it turns out, I just received in the mail a new collection of essays edited by Phillip Luke Sinitiere - Citizen of the World: The Late Career and Legacy of W.E.B. Du Bois. I’ll be reviewing this book right here on The Rogue Historian in a few weeks - so stay tuned.

Be sure to check out Robert’s blog and follow him on Twitter. It’s the thing to do!

AND…don’t forget to subscribe to The Rogue Historian Podcast on Apple Podcasts or your favorite app so you never ever ever ever miss a show. That would be dumb.

With compliments,
