Historical Fiction and the 1862 Maryland Campaign with Alexander Rossino


Hellllllooooooooooo!!!!!!! Well after a LONG podcasting sabbatical The Rogue Historian is back (and stay tuned for some NEW segments) and I am happy to have as my first guest Alexander Rossino. Alex and I have a great talk about his novel, which I reviewed a while back, Six Days in September - all about the invasion of Maryland from the perspectives of several men in the Army of Northern Virginia. We also have a look at the upcoming companion piece available this Fall, The Guns of September, which looks at the same campaign through the eyes of the men of the Army of the Potomac.

  • We look at the value of the historical fiction genre

  • Talk about how one can apply the skills that historians use to life in the real world (by real, I mean outside fo the traditional academic trajectory)

  • Popular memory and controversial figures from the war…both then and now: Lee and Little Mac, naturally.

We agree on some stuff, disagree on some stuff, and meet in the middle on some other stuff. But in the end…we had a fantastic talk and made plans for Alex’s return visit to the show this Fall. You can listen below or on the usual suspects…and please, give the show an honest rating on iTunes and hook us up :) You can find Alex at his WEBSITE and on FACEBOOK and TWITTER.

With compliments,


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